måndag 12 april 2010

Kära pappa

På fantastiska Letters of note fanns det här sorgliga brevet som aldrig fick något svar:

Beloved Father
My only Desier is, that my dier father would be pleast to Remamber me, for I understand that you are my only father, my mother Jahanna Sioute Shee take noe care of me for Shee gave me away hwen I was a Little Child to Anna Couvenowen, whar I have bin these 12 yeare and a halfe and have bin well brougt up and mantand that I can (di?) in the house wat belongs to it. Now My only Desier is that my beloved father would be pleas to Remamber his Diere Child; and Send me few word back again that Should mak me glad and Satisfigd in my mine that I hav a father in Life; My hombey Respect to my Diere father for ever Petter Beselion.

Jahanna Beselion
New York 27
of August 1702

Tack för tipset Nacho!

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